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Pray for revival this Christmas!

Herman Lightsey

Brothers in Christ,

I want to thank each of you for your love of this ministry.

God placed this important ministry on our hearts and minds to become his hands and feet to reach men and their families. This ministry is about where men and their families will spend eternity.

I continue to be excited about where God is leading this ministry with Greg Arnold as the new general secretary of the commission and the staff he is building; he is the right leader for this troubled season.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land…— 2 Chronicles 7:14

Within the heart of each of us is a longing for something more, a season of new spiritual refreshing, a personal revival. God has His own recipe for revival in our hearts. He has written it down for all of us: “If My people will... then I will hear from Heaven.” When you follow this recipe precisely and put it into practice, it will result in a new spirit reanimating us and enabling us to soar into spiritual regions some of us may have never known.

Much talk of revival is from man’s side, man’s viewpoint. Thus, it becomes man-centered. We must seek to see it in God’s viewpoint. God is waiting, willing, and longing to send a new spirit of revival to His people. However, He does not overrule our own will. Consequently, in a very real sense, while revival is always the sovereign work of Almighty

God, it is also conditional. The Bible says, “If My people...” If certain conditions are met, certain results will follow.

God’s problem today is not with the lost but with His own people. Many are pointing to the decay of our culture as being the result of the decline of our moral fabric and the influence of secular, and often downright godless factors all around us. However, God reveals that the real issue is not with “them” but with “us.”

GOD’S DEMAND is to: “humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways”

God’s demand begins with a call for His own people to “humble themselves,” to recognize and confess their need to seek Him in all things.

Second, God calls His people to pray.

Next, God demands that we “seek [His] face

God’s demand also includes turning from our “wicked ways.” Sin that is unconfessed and therefore unforgiven is the greatest obstacle to revival

If we do these things: “We will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Excerpts with permission from The Joshua Code by O. S. Hawkins, copyright O. S. Hawkins.

Mary and I pray you and your families have a Christ-filled Christmas and that God will grant blessing in the New Year.

We love you all y’all!!!

Grace and peace,

Herman Lightsey, president

National Association of Conference Presidents


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